You Can’t Hold Yourself Fast

“He will hold me fast.”

We will not—and cannot—hold ourselves fast. We are too prone to wander, as the old hymn laments. We are too quick to be distracted by the fleeting pleasures of this world. We are too easily pulled away by the cares of society, the opinions of peers, the criticisms of careless critics.

But we weren’t meant to hold ourselves fast. We weren’t created to keep it together on our own. In fact, it’s when we attempt to do that that shows our glaring need for a Savior. And not just a Savior who saves, but a Savior who keeps—who holds us fast.

It’s during our good days that we forget who holds us fast. Our poor days—the days of prevalent sin and relentless temptation—that we must look up and see our God, the One who holds us fast. The God, our God, who holds us up when we can’t seem to figure it out. The One who reassures us of His love, which is a driving force to keep us on the path of righteousness, the sanctified life, the road to glorification in the end.

Christian, you can’t hold yourself fast. It’s foolish to even try. To try is to reveal we think we can live the Christian life apart from the sovereign power and grace of God. How silly. But God does hold us fast—and does so sovereignly and perfectly.

Here’s the plan: Keep striving, by His grace, to be like Christ while Christ keeps you fast. Don’t look back, only upward.

One response to “You Can’t Hold Yourself Fast”

  1. subpopgirl Avatar

    ..His love, which is a driving force…


    Liked by 1 person

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