For the Anxious Heart

Is life dragging you down? Does it feel like your entire world is falling apart? Your mind races, your thoughts run rampant and you don’t know what to do or how to feel. Your heart is anxious.

Sometimes I’m anxious for no reason at all. I’m sure you can relate. Everything in life seems to be going well, but there’s something inside that doesn’t feel right—something that is causing this anxiety.

Friend, let me encourage you. Whether you struggle with sinful anxiety—the anxiety that reveals a lack of trust in the Lord and His providence—or clinical anxiety—the anxiety that isn’t necessarily within our control—rest assured, the Lord is with you. Even when our anxiety runs amuck in our mind, we can remember God is good and God is with us.

We also must remember that, even in the depth of our anxiety—even while our hearts are so ridden with anxious thoughts to the point that we can’t move—God has still saved us. Our salvation is the remedy to our anxiety-ridden souls. This precious truth—our redemption—may not rid you of anxiety, but it will surely make it bearable.

Keep moving forward, Christian. How we deal with our anxiety communicates a profound message to a watching world. O. Alan Noble says in his newest book:

But of all our actions, very few speak louder about the nature of God, His goodness, His love for us, and the goodness of His creation than our choice to get out of bed each morning. Life will inevitably crush you, at one point or another, and your response to that suffering will testify to something.

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